McNuada’s Buildings

The Command Post

The coarse palm holding the five McNuada war fingers together, the command post is the most important building as far as the sun-seared eye could gander. A bigger command post allows for bigger mills, monarchas, quays, scoopers and hangars. If there’s anything an McNuadaman must do, it is to always make sure his command post is longer than the Von Schnitzels’.


The mighty hangar is where burly McNuada town lads tirelessly toil at aircrafts; their fags, sweat and whiskey murking the gurteen horizons with a glazing jet trail.

The Monarcha

No land for the languid and no rest for the wicked, swarthy bucks and boggers tend to land unit repairs, turning the banjaxed and gammy wares into mighty war machines.

The Quayside

At the McNuada quayside, no berth is left unlodged; with ships moored at nary angles and submarines submerged at eerie depths, each docked with care and ceremonially launched with butterscotch schnapps.

The Mill

Cloistered in a manky cloud of chemicals, the learned science men sit hobbled at their slabs, working up ways to better their units, beating cudgels into canons and axes into twibills.

The Scooper

Home of the ‘Celtic Tiger’, spangled machines drill the ground for resources to nourish the army bases, reaching deep into the pulverized earth for turgid juice and bludgeon bacon.