Von Schnitzel’s Buildings

Der Power Haus

Das headquarters ist der power haus of ze garrison; gentlemen do not fight in ze war room, countrymen do not speak ill of ze base, und Von Schnitzels make sure to empower ze power haus to power up all ze rest. To tower above all others, your command post must tower above your own. Hammer in hand, Von Schnitzels will build it to probe ze sky itself.

Luft Halle

The luft halle is ver Von Schnitzels rain blitzkrieg upon zeir enemies, commissioning military aircrafts day und night, producing state of ze art planes serving strafe und fresh cannonade.

Die Fabrik

Reveling in ze glory of honest labour, sturdy stolid hands rind und schkelp metal into panzers, building land units dat march to ze beat of Von Schnitzel hearts.

The Wharf

At dis Von Schnitzel marina, ships und u-boots are built wiz spirit, fastened wiz precision, harboured at ze best condishuns, with enough lager barrels at ze pier to last a Von Schnitzel belly at sea.

Das Laboratorium

Boffins und chemists of all schools of thought gather for military progress; testing resources und probing elements, churning flak for bigger und better distrukschun.

Der Kollektor

Pounding deep into ze surface, dis contraption ist built to beget resources beyond ze reach of mortal hands. Drilling gizmos tower over ze encampment, feeding its barrack cubs.