Von Schnitzel’s Archipelagos


If the sun ever managed to crash into a million smithereens, it would look like this island. Fields upon shores of raw amber refract the sunrays into orange hues, twirling the amber formations into a lazy Van Gogh painting. Luck so has it that a smuggler ended up in a Von Schnitzel banquet, had too much ale and drunkenly told the story of his conquest against a mighty island that had wrecked many a ship. Von Schnitzel himself, the head of the Von Schnitzel family, looked around as the smuggler went on about an island that blinds sailors’ eyes at close range and hearts from afar, one whose brilliant orange shores are a bruise on the ocean that every captain has an urge to nurse back to health. The Kaiser would have stuck a Von Schnitzel flag in the sun if he could, so a hide of lamb was exchanged for the smuggler’s map, and on he went to stick a flag in that island instead.


Dubbed the Haunted Island by sheer wind-carved architecture, this archipelago is made up of a series of caves that face each other at awkward inclined angles. Coastal night winds and vicious sea breeze pass through these consecutive caves, resounding off others and recycling into others in a natural orchestra of oboes to create the most fearful and monstrous sounds known to man. Edelweiß and Edelgard, the Von Schnitzel Kaiser’s twin heirs, came to their father with a map of a necessary conquest. Von Schnitzel was glad his sons had finally taken an interest in ruling matters, and launched a campaign to encourage them. Little did he know his meat-headed lads had presented him with a map they won off a bet with a trader, who liked their hand carved bows and saw an opportunity to make up for a voyage that left him empty-handed.


The radioactive comet affected all the elements of this archipelago’s ecosystem, unleashing and exasperating its volcanic nature into a nearly uninhabitable fire pit. Luckily, this earthly hades disintegrates in half lives. A constantly diminishing source, it still houses the largest jewel dump in the pacific, if not the history of man. Luka, the Von Schnitzel defense minister, was the first to see this island for what it’s worth. Where most were moved to trod down the lava trails by treasure, Luka saw scientific potential. An unbeatable strategist, he seemed to have inherited the joint intelligence meant for the rest of the encampment on a genetic faux-pas. Launching a secret campaign with a treasure hunt cover-up, he sent a team of archaeologists and scientists on warships to Espazo to excavate knowledge.


Archipelago Chaman is ruled by an ancient holy order of shamans, who hold it and its natural environment as a sacred source of knowledge and energy, and wield this energy through sacred texts and rigorous physical training. Strewn with temple ruins, the Von Schnitzels now walk the paths of forefathers they never heard about, and the McNuadas manhandle relics that were used to resonate sound in ancient hymns. To the shamans dismay, the families ended up on their holy island on a side quest, and got caught up fighting when the Von Schnitzels thought the McNuadas wanted it, and the McNuadas wanted it to spite the Von Schnitzels.